Monday, November 1, 2010

huh.. I am not sure if we have it or not. I do not see any physical signs, yet I do have some nipple pain. BUT I think I can attribute that to a bad nap latch we had on Saturday... because today, so far there has been no pain at all?  I am gonna wait the day out and see. If I am sore again by the evening then I will treat it with the mighty purple happiness. Praying we do not have to!!

And this week I celebrate my 6th week on the domperidone. Bittersweet indeed. I am thankful for having this medication, yet very disappointed that I have reached the absolute peak of my supply, and it is in fact not 100% like I had hoped for. It is hard not to feel down about this. I am an optimist (I try to be, really really try.) But knowing that this is all I will ever make? Bummer. Major bummer. IN addition, we are FLAT BROKE yet again and I cannot even purchase more herbs which I will be running out of by 11 am. So there goes a little bit of my supply. And a little bit of my heart.

I keep thinking well, maybe its not the end? Maybe tomorrow I will wake up with an additional 8 oz in each breast!!  Maybe it is that little dream that has kept me going for this long. I am more than a little sad. I am very sad. I hold out hope for the introduction of the solids at 6 months, and pray that at that time we can be at 100%.

LONG drawn out sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........................


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